Love – The Gift that Keeps on Giving


The morning after Christmas this year I woke up to one of my best Christmas gifts – the excited, anticipating eyes of two of my grandchildren standing by my bed telling me it was time to wake up.  They were ready to go downstairs to play with their new toys, and they wanted me to be with them.  The sparkle in their eyes was irresistible.  The love I felt from their smiles melted my heart.  I quickly put on a robe and joined them.

We put together Legos (or rather they opened the boxes and put a few pieces together and then let me finish).  They played their new toy guitar and piano keyboard, opened whatever other toys had been put aside in the rush and excitement of the day before, and just had a ball laughing and playing together.  At some point Daddy put on the latest Disney movie, Soul, and we all settled into couches to relax into that day-after-Christmas-pause that feels so decadent when and if it is possible.  Heaven on Earth – yep – that’s what if felt like.

In contrast to much of the year called 2020, it felt exquisite and delicious – a rare treat to be savored and relished with careful attention. 

Feeling deep appreciation and gratitude for these precious moments, I acknowledged internally that so many others were experiencing a range of the opposite – separation, loss, grief, fear, anxiety, hunger, displacement, loneliness.  Knowing what a majority were experiencing in this Christmas of 2020 moved me to take my gratefulness even deeper.

For years I have been exploring this concept of living heaven on earth despite the preponderance of experiences that feel downright hellish.  I had my own bout with a living hell at the end of my marriage to the father of my three children.  Through a series of divine interventions, including rescue by my parents, and appearances of angels in many forms – etheric and material - I now have many moments like this day after Christmas.  I know I am truly blessed, and I want everyone to have moments like these for themselves.

My question is how?  I am not sure, but I know this is what I want for the world.  It is what the “New Age”, the “Golden Age”, the “Age of Aquarius” is supposed to be about. 

How?  I don’t know.  I do know I am going to keep exploring as I hold the intention and appreciate the glimpses of it along the way.  I am going to keep turning inward and asking – “what is mine to do?” and “how am I to be?”  Maybe asking the latter before the first. 

What I do know is that it is all about the light and love that we are at our essence.  As each of us discovers that for ourselves, we radiate it out to others.  We can see it in others.  We can help others see it for themselves.  The love we are is the gift that keeps on giving as we see it, feel it, and live it. 

My intention is told hold this vision for us all – that each of us can know ourselves and each other as love and light.  As we do, we experience a taste of heaven along the way.

How does that sound to you?  Please leave a comment below.  I would love to hear from you.

Namaste.  I behold the light and love in you.

Lilia Shoshanna Rae

Author of The Art of Listening to Angels

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